Jumpstart Discipleship and Mentoring

This is an outline from a workshop I taught in 2007 at the Ignite Small Group Conference. Our theme was based on Space Shuttle Launch and all the pastors dressed up as astronauts.

Jumpstarting First Steps and Mentoring

Pastor Dwayne Eslick

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20

1. Disciples are made not born.

“… make disciples…”

We are saved by faith and “born again,” and that is how we become a child of God. However the process that happens where we hear the Good News Message, respond to the Good News Message, and Grow in the Good News Message doesn’t happen by chance but by intentional relationships.

2. Disciple-making is on the go.

“Therefore go(ing)… make disciples of all nations…”

The word “go” in the verse can be translated “go and as your are going.” We must be on the lookout as we are on the go to see opportunities to share our faith and build relationships with those open to the Good News Message.

3. Discipleship leads to baptism.

“baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

Once someone makes a decision to believe and follow Jesus the Messiah, the first step is to follow him in baptism. If we believe that making disciples is the call of every growing follower of Christ, then baptizing is not not just for the clergy but for every disciple as well.

4. Disciple-makers teach to obey.

“teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Baptism is just the first step in following Jesus. We cannot abandon baby believers. Our call is to either continue the disciple-making process or make sure another person comes along and pours into them as well. The goal is to teach them to obey not just to know. This takes more than a teacher in a classroom but a mentor to walk side by side.

5. Discipline not desire determines destiny.

Matthew 28:19-20 is called the Great Commission and it is definitely not the great suggestion. Life definitely gets busy and has its seasons, but making disciples should be your priority.

Tips for First Steps Mentoring

Practical Suggestions to use the First Steps Booklet:

At New Life Community Church in Chicago, we used a series of books called “First Steps.” This gave a process to help followers of Christ mentor new believers. Here are some tips for First Steps Mentoring:

★ Both mentor and disciple should have a book

★ The mentor should also work through the book to befamiliar with the material

★ Go over the first lesson together with the disciple to gethim/her started.
★ Lessons should be completed one week at a time.

★ Go over each answer as thoroughly as time allows.

★ Try to make the lesson as practical as possible to the disciple’s life situation

★ Review the weekly memory verse. Memorize with thedisciple.

★ Encourage the disciple to be in the Word of God daily.

★Check the section on “Daily Bread” at each meeting.

Practical suggestions about Your Weekly Meeting:

★  Find a place to meet with minimal distractions

★  Meet at the same place and time each week if possible

★  Stress your commitment to never missing unless there is an emergency

★  Allow approximately one to two hours for each session.

★  Encourage the disciple throughout the week to complete the lesson on time.