How to shepherd when it's not your gift?


Which comes first?  Heart of Shepherd or Hands of Shepherd

Shepherding is not my spiritual gift. But that doesn’t mean I can just delegate shepherding and never shepherd. I am a husband and father and God calls me to shepherd my family. If you are a leader of a ministry, you may not be the best shepherd and God definitely wants to flow in your gifting. But if you don’t shepherd your team of volunteer leaders, it won't be long before you don’t have a team.

When I would lead youth small groups in the 90’s, I thought my teaching gift would change the world. But I quickly learned my youth didn’t care how much I knew until the knew how much I cared.

Which comes first? The heart or the hands of a shepherd???

Acts 20 (Paul had the heart of a shepherd... shed tears)

How to Shepherd (the hands)
A) Work the List  (John 10:1-3 Gates, Sheep know the voice)     3.  Build the list  (Core, Regulars, Visitors)
     2.  Pray for the list (Needs, Spiritual Growth)
     1.  Contact the list  (text, notes, phone, visits, meals)
B)  Prepare the Feast (John 21:15-?? - Feed my Sheep)       1. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate 
           a (the 4 W's: Welcome / hosting, Worship, Works / testimonies, Word)
           b don't do all the teaching... delegate some!
      2  Plan a trimester advance ... so you are not planning week to week
           a Plan a book study, DVD series, group discussion guide, etc. The Holy Spirit can interrupt.
           b Plan a monthly outreach / activity where you can invite visitors
C) Search on Sundays  (Mark 6:30-36 Sheep Without A Shepherd)      

1. Walk Slowly through the crowd
       2. 3 minute rule (First 3 minutes after church talk to someone you don’t know.)
       3. Pray for people at the altar (If you church doesn’t have altar calls, pray for people after service right there… don’t say "I’ll pray for you.” Actually stop and pray.

Which comes first?  Heart of Shepherd or Hands of Shepherd

Cyclical... both enhance each other... 

but for many... hands come first. When you spend time with people your love for them grows.

Shepherd David faced the lion and the bear.. .put his life on the line... 

after he had spent many a nights under the moon with the Lord and the sheep.

After doing the A, B, C's of shepherding, your heart will grow, 

and you will be willing to put your life on the line.


The context was a growing church that had many visitors on Sundays. If your church doesn’t have many visitors on a Sunday, search for the lost sheep like the Shepherd who left the 99 to find the 1.